Can I get fuel in Nerriga?
No, there is no petrol station in Nerriga.
Is the road sealed?
The road from Nerriga to Nowra, Goulburn, Tarago and Canberra is sealed. The road from Nerriga to Braidwood is still unsealed for about 6km. If you have Facebook, we recommend following the page “Road Advice for Coast to Canberra and Goulburn” as it provides the most up to date information regarding the condition of the roads.
How far is Nerriga?
Nerriga is about 70km from Nowra, 53km from Braidwood, 80km from Goulburn, 60km from Tarago and 125km from Canberra.
Are there public toilets in Nerriga?
Yes, there are public toilets at the sports grounds, directly opposite the Nerriga Community Hall.
Is there accommodation in Nerriga?
In addition to the pub, there are a couple of other accommodation options in the vicinity of the village:
Contact Us
6124 Nerriga Road
Nerriga, NSW 2622
Phone: (02) 4845 9120
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